Sunday, January 29, 2012

Assignment 2

Thanks to some helpful comments I'm starting to think that I could not only write about how art influences but also how technology influences art. In the mid 1960's computers and art made history together by creating the first digital art form. Today thanks to technology many drawings created using a computer can be easily mistaken as a real image. So, where will art go next thanks to technology? Has the need for new art forms driven new technology? Thanks to the comments this has widened the possible avenues I can take with my research.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Assignment One

Ok, I think I have finally figured this blog thing out... You would think that I would have a better understanding of the different social sites but this is completely new to me.

But for the questions in the first assignment I think I might have a hard time. I have picked two studies that are nearly polar opposites. I'm a Technology Management and Art History student. I have an idea for the senor thesis but I'm not sure it is deep enough to cover the requirements for the senior thesis. My idea is to show the correlation between art and technology. During my courses with art history I found an interesting correlation suggesting that the art industry leader is usually the technology leader. Some of the time periods that reflect this idea is Egyptian, Greek and early American. Then I could take this idea and see if the technology leading companies like Google, Intel, Apple and Samsung embrace art to the point displaying at their sites. I currently work for Intel and Micron and we have no art displayed at our work site. But I'm not sure if this idea for a topic is enough to cover multiple pages or if it is even interesting enough for the audience to read.